Sackville Heights Elementary School

Registration Update and Health Information

Morning Families,

This year updates to student information have been done through Power School rather than the school sending home a paper copy.  The email notificiation from HRCE has the title of demographics update.  This online update also contains a section for media release which would have previously come as a seperate paper letter.  If you have yet to update your child's information, we ask that you do so ASAP so we have the  most current information in our system.  We also ask that you pay attention to the media release section.  When signing a media release, this simply allows us to take pictures for our use at school and our yearbook.  We do not post student pictures on our website or elsewhere.

Attached you will also find information about head lice.  It is common for schools to have head lice and we want to be proactive at our school site.

Rachael Webster
